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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate June 22 to July 2 Ill Feeling

Out of sorts and prone to being easily disheartened or something of that ilk, you don't feel in particularly good shape. Do anything you can to improve the way you feel, maybe by taking a break and ridding yourself of as much stress as possible. Get home early, prepare yourself a good meal, preferably with friends or family, to regain your composure.

Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 New energy

Feeling really energetic, ready to take on any task, it may be that you’ve finally relinquished any doubts and feel completely positive. Whatever the case you have a lot of interesting ideas you feel totally ready to pursue, you're raring to go and enthusiastic about being in such a promising position to accomplish your ideas and desires.

Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Clarity and Vision

Vibrant, focused and able to master any new challenge, especially when faced with any substantial event, you contribute and can mediate successfully. If any conflict arises, you can be a calming influence on others, your ability to coolly make plans means you’re a person to whom people positively respond.